
Enterprise Client


App Development

    1. The digital textbook can be accessed at:
  1. Spirit of Truth Digital – iOS Store
  2. Sophia Institute Website

Project overview :

Objective: The project involved developing an interactive learning platform that combines educational games with robust analytics to track and assess learning progress. Key activities included:

Project Scope and Activities :

The project involved two main components: creating the iPutt VR application for PopStroke and developing the Heard POS system.

Conceptualization and Design:

  1. Worked closely with Agnitus to conceptualize an engaging learning platform that integrates educational content with game mechanics.
  2. Designed a child-friendly interface with intuitive navigation and appealing visuals to attract young learners

Content Development:

  1. Created a variety of educational games covering subjects such as math, reading, science, and cognitive skills, tailored for children aged 2-8.
  2. Developed interactive lessons and activities that adapt to the child’s learning pace and progress.

Analytics and Assessment:

  1. Implemented deep analytics to monitor and assess each child’s learning progress, strengths, and areas for improvement.
  2. Designed reporting tools for parents and educators to track performance and customize learning experiences based on individual needs.

Testing and Optimization:

  1. Conducted thorough testing to ensure the games are educational, engaging, and bug-free.
  2. Optimized the platform for performance, ensuring smooth gameplay and quick load times.

Launch and Deployment:

  1. Successfully launched the Agnitus Learning Platform on the iOS Store.
  2. Coordinated with Agnitus for marketing and outreach to promote the platform to parents and educational institutions.

Project results :

The project yielded the following outcomes:

  1. Engaging Learning Experience: Developed an interactive and gamified learning platform that effectively engages young children, making education fun and enjoyable.
  2. Effective Learning Assessment: The platform’s deep analytics provide valuable insights into each child’s learning journey, helping to tailor educational content to their needs.
  3. Positive User Feedback: Received favorable reviews from parents and educators for its educational value, ease of use, and engaging content.
  4. Significant Investment: Raised $4.5 million from notable investors, including Social+Capital, Eric Schmidt’s Innovation Endeavors, and Samsung, demonstrating strong confidence in the platform’s potential.
  5. Broad Accessibility: Made the platform accessible to a wide audience through its availability on the iOS Store, increasing its reach and impact.

Output Links :

The platform and more information can be accessed at:

  1. Kids Learning Games for 2-8 – iOS Store 
  2. Agnitus Website

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